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The Orchestra of València was created in 1943 under the baton of Joan Lamote de Grignon. In its already lengthy existence it has travelled abroad on many occasions, including tours of England and France (1950), Italy and Turkey with M. Rostropovich as soloist (1996), Germany (2002) and Austria and Czech Republic with pianist Joaquín Achúcarro (2008) as well as performances in the International Music Festivals of Schleswig-Holstein and  Neuer Musik in Zurich. Resident conductors have included Hans von Benda, Napoleone Annovazzi, José Iturbi, Enrique García Asensio, Pedro Pirfano, García Navarro, Martínez Palomo, Benito Lauret, Manuel Galduf, Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez, Yaron Traub and Ramón Tebar. At currently Alexander Liebreich is Music Director and Chief Conductor of the Orchestra . Among the memorable guest conductors are A. Argenta, H. Unger, C. Krauss, J. Martinon, S. Celibidache, R. Chailly, V. Fedoseyev, K. Penderecki, Y. Menuhin, P. Maag, H. Rilling, Y. Temirkanov, J. López Cobos, G. Albrecht, F. P. Decker, R. Frühbeck de Burgos, G. Herbig, A. Litton, Z. Mehta, G. Noseda, J. Panula, G. Pehlivanian, M. Plasson, C. Rizzi, P. Steinberg, W. Weller,Valery Gergiev, etc. Distinguished soloists that have collaborated with our orchestra have included Barenboim, Brailowski, Buchbinder, Iturbi, Hahn, Harrell, Kremer, Lupu, Maiski, Mintz, Oistrakh, Pires, Pogorelich, Rachlin, Rostropovich, Rubinstein, Segovia, Shaham, Sokolov, Stern, Szeryng, Vengerov, Volodos, Yepes or Zabaleta. Among the voices who sang with the Orchestra are V. de los Ángeles, Arteta, Bayo, Behrens, Berganza, Bruson, Caballé, Cotrubas, van Dam, Domingo, Freni, Gedda, Jerusalem, Meier, Marton, Obraztsova, Ramey, Rysanek, Scotto, Stade, Varady, Voigt, etc. The Orchestra has performed the world premières of Cano, Mira, Llácer Pla, Blanquer, Evangelista, Marco, de Pablo, Halffter, García Abril, López Artiga or Magenti. The premiere of the opera Maror of Manuel Palau deserves a special mention. Among its recording are those conducted by Iturbi, Galduf, García Asensio and Traub performing pieces by Beethoven, Liszt, Falla, Turina, Albéniz, Serrano, Padilla, Palau, Garcés, Esplá, Rodrigo, Salvador and Llácer Pla as well as some zarzuelas by Serrano, Chapí and Penella. The Orchestra has its residence at the Palau de la Música in València.